Monday, August 27, 2012


I KNOW I haven't posted much on here lately...a lot of "other" things may be the sole reason. But, not to worry, as I was on a big hiatus from here, I actually had the time to focus on what good stuff I might show (and hopefully color out). Since the comic is on hold (again!), at least I'm able to tackle on the gaming projects I had put aside.

It's a good thing I was on hiatus/vacation...plenty of time to rest and sleep often. XD

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Needin' Some New Ideas..

 Okay! Well, with the current story-panels that I'm currently working on, somehow I can't seem to think up new ones to center around certain characters (unless they're two-parters, which is easy).
So with that happening, I can now only focus on ones that are in works, and perhaps ask around about some new ones.

Now to pound out the current panels!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sorry For the Wait...

Had a busy month or two with a few things, but luckily I have began to write on a couple bits of the comic. So far two short stories are done, and the third one is in production.

Wish me luck! :-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Meet the Cast (roster only)

The cast of the mini-comic has been counted and called for, but for now I'll simply list out the major characters first (by their character's colors if possible):

The Females:
Tania \ Tifani \ Vivani \ Hele \ Irene \ Emily \ Cream

The Males:
Sonic \ Crash \ Lil Luigi \ Chris \ Jet \ KC \ Adam

Hey...14 major ones total, not bad! Aside from the main characters, there's a number of minor and cameo characters out there too, so keep a good eye out for 'em!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome to the Galaxy!

Welcome all to Sanity Squad Galaxy! Here you'll check out the mini-comic featuring this very title, along with all the characters who will appear in it (be it major, minor or cameo roles). I do hope you-all enjoy your visits to their universe! Enjoy!